
10 Tips for the Most Comfortable Room Temperature in Summer

Summer is a time to unwind and take a break from the daily grind of life. However, one thing is likely to interfere with your fun: the summer heat. Luckily, there are ACs that regulate and cool temperatures during this exciting, yet torrid season. Here are some tips to help you prep your AC for the summer.

1. Call an HVAC Professional

Get a licensed HVAC professional to inspect, tune and clean your AC before the start of the summer season. One of the benefits of having a clean AC system is that your air conditioner can function efficiently. During summer, you will probably have your AC running all day long, and if it is not up to standard, you might end up with huge electricity bills.

2. Check Your Filters

There is a lot of dust and allergens that are bound to clog up your AC filters, especially during the summer. It is therefore important to ensure that your filters are not clogged. Your AC will have to work much harder to regulate temperatures if you do not unclog or replace the filters. For it to function effectively, replace the filters every three months. This cuts your AC’s energy consumption by between 5 to 15 percent. If you use your AC constantly, the filters may need to be replaced more frequently.

3. Keep Heat-Producing Appliances Away from the Thermostat

Placing heat-producing appliances such as the TV or lamps near your thermostat will cause the AC to run longer than is necessary. Also, placing it in direct sunlight may lead to wrong readings, which could turn on your AC at the wrong time. You should also avoid placing the thermostat in the kitchen, in the hallway, and near vents. Placing it near these appliances could trigger incorrect readings or activate your AC when it’s actually not needed.

4. Clean the Coils

Since the condenser and evaporator coil is located outside, they often get dirty. It is important to clean them to maximize the efficiency of your AC. To clean them, first, disconnect the system from the power source and then use a water hose to remove dust and dirt. Next, clear all leaves and debris around your condenser and evaporator coils. Your AC should now run smoothly and effectively.

5. Remove Condenser Covers

Most people tend to cover their condensers, especially during winter. Remove these covers before starting the system to avoid damaging it. It is common for people to forget to remove these covers. The result is that the damages may necessitate major repairs or the replacement of your entire system.

6. Inspect the Outside Unit Panels

Typically, panels enclose the electrical connections to protect both the AC and yourself. A panel may be misaligned or missing due to natural factors such as wind. If this happens, contact a qualified technician to make sure everything is in its proper place. Avoid starting your system if there are no panels, so you don’t endanger your AC, and yourself.

7. Repair or Replace Damaged Pipe Insulation

There is a large and small refrigerant line that runs from the outdoor to the indoor unit. The larger suction copper line is responsible for bringing back the cool refrigerant to the outdoor unit compressor. If its insulation is damaged, the ability of the outdoor unit to regulate temperatures is affected. This ultimately damages your AC system and results in high energy consumption. For effective functioning of your cooling system, inspect it to confirm the insulation in place.

8. Replace Your Air Conditioner

No equipment is built to last. Over time, machines and equipment are prone to wear. If you can’t remember when you purchased your air conditioner, perhaps you’ve had it for way too long. It means you are fast-approaching expiry date. Investing in new equipment could save you big time. Besides, its power consumption efficiency decreases as it wears on. Investing in a new AC means better function and affordable electricity bills. In any case, you don’t want to get to a point where your AC conks out when you need it most.

9. Install Window Films

Installing window films on the inside of your window helps your AC to regulate temperatures during summer. Another advantage of these window films is that you get to enjoy warmer temperatures during winter.

10. Check Your Duct

Look out for holes in the duct. While you’re at it, ensure the seal is intact. Prevention is always better and cheaper than a cure; hence, it is always a good idea to invest in preventive maintenance to ensure a smooth running AC system.

Enjoying the most comfortable room temperatures in the summer depends on the efficiency and dependability of your air conditioner. The above tips will make sure your room is cool and comfortable to live in during this high-temperature season.

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