
5 Most Effective Types of Marketing Campaigns

In the world of marketing, there are many terms, acronyms and jargon that all get thrown around. This can be a very efficient way to communicate ideas and come up with innovative solutions to problems. It can also lead to confusion and doubt.

To make sure that you know exactly what your colleagues are talking about, you need to know the difference between a product and a brand relaunch. It might sound like there is a subtle difference, but when it comes to planning an execution these require two very different campaign strategies.

As an aspiring marketer, it will be your job to be able to identify which type of marketing campaign you need to develop to suit your client’s needs. To help you get a firm grip on the different types of marketing campaigns, we have prepared a reference guide for you below.

1. Rebranding Campaign

We’re going to start with one of the easiest types of marketing campaigns. You will have no doubt have heard of this term ‘rebranding’. In a nutshell, rebranding is the process of changing a product or brand name, look, and or the culture associated with it. This is often caused by a change in the management or some sort of PR requirement. It can be a way to revitalize a brand and help to remove unwanted associations or connotations. Sometimes it’s just a good idea to change things up a little bit. Just think about how the Pepsi logo has evolved over the years.

A good example of a company successfully rebranding is Old Spice. Prior to the wonderfully obtuse advertisement with Isaiah Mustafa, the brand was considered for well… old people. With this carefully crafted, and frankly bizarre advert, they changed their image overnight. Their sales soared as a new generation of consumers added Old Spice products to their shopping lists. Other notable examples of successful rebranding include McDonalds and Burberry.

2. Product launches

This is another very common marketing campaign that you will soon be involved in the planning an execution of. This is when a new product is about to be released and you need to ensure that the target consumer is not only aware but also eager to purchase.

A great example of a successful product launch is the first iPhone. This was huge when it first came out. A revolution in technology. What’s more, this product launch has been relived through each generation of iPhone.

3. Brand launches

This is where we start to get into the subtilties of the different types of marketing campaigns. The launch of a new brand can often include multiple products and services. These are often by new companies that are looking to get the word out. There will need to be a lot of awareness and even some educational elements if the product and service that they provide are new to people.

Fitbit’s wearable tech was a landmark in brand launches. They came out right at the perfect time for fitness based wearable tech. With a name that set itself apart from smartwatches, they snagged a great deal of the fitness crowd’s disposable income with their first series of step and exercise counters.

4. Seasonal pushes

These are common around times when consumers are going to be spending their money anyway. The goal is to increase market share around Christmas, Valentine’s day and really any other time of the year that people are expected to buy gifts for one another.

A recent example of a seasonal push, that was in many ways a product launch too was the release of Star Wars Episode 7. This was released just before Christmas and everything was Star Wars, and I mean everything. Star Wars toys, lunchboxes, clothing, make up, and even bananas had Star Wars branding on them. That year Star Wars was Christmas. Choosing to do this at a time of year when gift-giving is at its peak and people are a little more generous with their money was a masterstroke.

Seasonal pushes don’t always have to be around holidays either. Back to school sales are another example of a timely campaign being able to sell more products to consumers.

5. Awareness campaigns

Building or maintaining brand awareness is very important in the marketing world. Here’s an example. When you read the word “coke” what brand do you think of? It’s going to be Coca Cola right? Maybe Pepsi, but that is the trick isn’t it. How do you make sure that your client’s brand is the first one that people think of?

Sometimes brand awareness can reach the point where the brand becomes synonymous with the item. An example of this is Kleenex, Google, or Uber. I’ve met people who work at Yahoo say that they’re going to “Give it a Google”. The power of a successful brand awareness campaign is truly staggering once it permeates into the consumer’s minds.

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