Clinical depression can be considered an epidemic. Even though medication can help people who suffer from this dreadful disease, it does not always work for everyone. Plus, like any other medication, anti-depressants come with negative side-effects that can end up doing more harm than good.
Fortunately, it’s possible to treat depression without medication, and without negative side effects. If you are suffering from depression, or if someone you know is depressed, these seven holistic ways to treat depression may help:
1. Don’t dwell on depressing thoughts & feelings
People who are depressed can spend a lot of time dwelling on negative thoughts and feelings. They tend to focus on all the negative aspects of their lives, sometimes without even realizing it. If you are depressed, try to pay attention to the times when you start ruminating. How does it make you feel?
To instantly feel better, think of a few different ways you can snap out of it and change your mind. Call a friend who means a lot to you, go out for a walk in a beautiful environment, or watch your favourite movie.
2. Seek the support of someone you trust
Your loved ones care about you immensely. If you are depressed, you probably don’t feel like being around other people, even the people you are close to. However, isolating yourself is only going to make you feel even more miserable, on top of leading your friends and family to worry about you.
If you can’t go out and spend time around people, you should at least talk to someone you love and trust, once a week or more often. Having someone to talk to can make a huge difference in the way you face your struggles. A friend will provide you with support and understanding, lift your spirits, and distract you from negative thoughts.
3. Try Emotional Freedom Techniques
Emotional Freedom Techniques, known as EFT or tapping, is a scientifically based technique that can relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Gentle finger taps on different Chinese acupressure points calm down our nervous system, increase our well-being, and bring us more clarity.
Although you can learn more about EFT and tapping points on your own, working with a holistic therapy specialist is recommended. This professional can use EFT to help you solve the issues that are bringing you down.
4. Treat depression with regular therapy
If depression makes it too difficult for you to function and to make healthy choices, psychotherapy is a good idea. It will help you find healthy ways to cope with depression, with no side-effects.
And if you are in a relationship that seems to have more downs than ups, it could be making your depression worse, or perhaps even triggering it. Couple therapy could be what you need to get back in control of your emotions, and start enjoying life again.
5. Move your body and get more light exposure
Depression makes it more difficult for us to engage in activities that can help us feel better. Just like you might not feel like being around your loved ones, you might not feel like exercising. But the truth is that moving your body is good not only for your physical health, but also for your mental health.
Try to do some exercise at least 3 times each week, even if you feel like you are too tired for it.
Getting more light exposure, whether it’s natural sunlight or light from a light box, will also help ease the symptoms of your depression. Why not go out for a walk or some light jogging to combine the benefits of exercise and sunlight?
6. Eat healthy foods and take supplements
What makes your body feel healthier will also make your mind feel healthier. Pay attention to your diet, and make sure you eat fruits and veggies each day, as well as drink plenty of water.
Taking omega-3 fatty acids supplements every day can be an easy way to lift your mood. Omega-3s have anti-depressant properties that will help you treat your depression in a more holistic way, without negative side-effects.
7. Improve your sleep schedule
Having a healthy sleep schedule is not easy when you are depressed. Depression can make you oversleep, and still wake up tired. Most frequently, depressed people suffer from insomnia, which keeps them awake all night long to ruminate negative thoughts.
To improve your sleep quality, try to go to bed and to wake up at the same time each day. Make sure your bedroom is comfortable and quiet, and that nothing will distract you. Having a bedtime ritual could also help you fall asleep more easily: take a warm bath, listen to some relaxing music, write a journal, or try a guided meditation right before going to bed.
If you suffer from insomnia, keep in mind that getting some exercise during the day can make it easier for you to get enough sleep at night.