
8 Ways on How to Negotiate a Relocation Package Effectively

When it comes to navigating the world of careers, most of us don’t plan to stay in one for the entirety of our lives. In fact, recent data has shown that newer generations are satisfied with switching career paths, in order to fit their gratification. If you fall under this sentiment, you may be inclined to move to another location entirely for your new job.

To do this successfully, a relocation package from your future employer will come in extremely useful. In essence, this perk allows your new company to cover the costs of relocating, as you move from city to city. If your new employer doesn’t have one, it may be in your best interest to negotiate for coverage.

Here are the eight best ways on how to negotiate relocation package effectively:

1. Negotiate for Lump Sum

Money is a huge component of how to negotiate the best relocation package. In fact, the entire basis of your corporate relocation may be attributed to a higher income or a lucrative bonus. By law, a company isn’t required to have a relocation package as part of its benefits. However, should they want to entice you to move, they may offer a monetary incentive through a lump sum.

This provides you as the new employee to use a set amount of cash in order to cover the costs of moving. It is usually negotiated before you move, so you’ll want to make sure you emphatically make it known how much funds will be used beforehand. Take into consideration all costs of the moving process!

2. Negotiate for Reimbursement

If your new employer doesn’t want to provide you with a source of cash up front, they may reimburse you afterwards. This entails providing them with receipts of all costs of the moving process, to which they will monetarily compensate you. You’ll have to actually fully move out to the new location first, before this occurs.

Reimbursement may be more beneficial to an organization than an immediate lump sum for several reasons. When negotiated in good faith, it allows both parties to establish a rapport between each other. This could be the impetus needed to further develop the relationship in subsequent years.

3. Negotiate for Spousal Job Assistance

For those of you who live with your significant other, relocating can sometimes provide an extra layer of stress. If relocating actually manifests, your spouse will also be leaving behind their job as well. In order to counteract this, you should negotiate with your prospective employer for assistance.

Many employers will go above and beyond in helping their new talent in many different ways. This also extends to providing assistance to one’s spouse, in order to help them find a new job as well. Try to speak of the matter in a personalized way; this helps convey an overall message of familial importance.

4. Negotiate for Selling Your Home

Selling your home is always a challenging affair. Once you, the prospective talent, decide that relocation is necessary, you’ll need to sell your property. Of course, negotiating both the costs of relocating, as well as selling your home, can be tricky.

If, however, you are a top-notch talent, your chances of getting your employer to cover all costs increases considerably. Know all numbers that are pertinent to the selling of your home, so that they can be considered after negotiation. That way, your new company knows exactly where you are coming from.

5. Avoid Single Answer Questions

Negotiation rests heavily on the ability to incite open-ended conversation. When it comes to relocating, yes or no questions must be avoided. The more substance that arises out of your relocation dialogue, the more likely you will be able to secure a valuable deal.

6. Negotiate for Moving Costs

Once your company gives you the go ahead for relocation, you are not finished yet. There is still time to keep negotiating, despite evidence to the contrary. Once you and the company go back-and-forth with the numbers, always ask if more can be done. This will demonstrate that you are keen on moving, as well as dedicated to making the move overall.

7. Preliminary Scouting

This may work in your favour, if you decide to use it right at the beginning. At some point, you’ll want to do an initial scouting of your would-be environment. If you ask your employer to cover the costs of this, it shows staunch initiative on your end. After all, why wouldn’t you want to take a glance at the area before actually moving?

8. Negotiate with Confidence

It is vital to remember that you, in this negotiation process, have the power. After the offer of employment has been made, use that as leverage to allow your company to cover the costs of relocating. Speak personably, but always with confidence.

Although it may be initially daunting, relocating to an entirely new location for work can be just as exciting. When negotiated in good faith with your prospective company, however, the moving costs will ultimately be the last thing on your mind!

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